Parenting is the most challenging yet fulfilling role a person may take in life. Throughout time, the central goal of parenting has remained the same, that is, to raise children to become independent, productive and well-rounded individuals. Though parenting has its one constant goal, childrearing practices have evolved through time and are as diverse as people's personalities.

Parenting is relatively simple during the first year after your child's birth because it basically consists of the "at your service" approach. An infant's needs should be met right away. As your child grows out of the baby stage, childrearing becomes more complex because you take the task of discipline, control and character building. You start to draw the line, set expectations and establish boundaries for your child.

The fear of being a control freak, alienating or making your child feels unloved hovers over every parent's mind whenever discipline is imposed on the child. Just keep in mind that though your child initially reacts negatively to the limits you set for him, he really doesn't want to overpower you. He wants his parents to be in charge, to impose order so he can feel safe because deep in his heart, he still feels small and vulnerable. Part of keeping your child protected is being able to direct his behavior, set regulations and enforce them. When you feel like giving in to your child's whims, remind yourself you're not there to be his best friend but to be a parent, and part of your task is to draw the lines and say no when it is necessary.

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When in doubt about what behavior is appropriate to a specific situation, you can use your instincts. Just always make sure that your rules and expectations are apt for your kid's age. It is crucial that you and your spouse stick to the came strategies and enforce them consistently in order to reinforce the behavior you want to cultivate in your child and not confuse him. Ultimately, a child who encounters firm, predictable boundaries won't feel punished; rather he'll feel safe, protected and loved.

When imposing punishment to your child because he broke the rules you've set, be sure not to thwart his self-esteem. Discipline is not all about restrictions but of modeling positive behavior, too, like the practice saying "please" and "thank you" to help your child learn the value of manners and how to socialize. Praising him when he's cooperative and helpful is one way of reinforcing there good values I him. Gradually increasing the expanse of your child's limits can boost his confidence about his rising autonomy and ability to handle responsibilities.

Make sure that when you set boundaries to your child, they are in line with his development and support his natural drive to explore, discover, learn and practice new skills. Being too strict will hold your child's behavioral development while being too easy will deprive your child the opportunity to learn to act responsibility. Grant your child a voice in creating some house rules and the consequences when there rules is broken. This will foster cooperation and accountability in your child.

In the end, the ultimate purpose of discipline is not merely to gain proper control over your child but to teach him the value of cooperation, responsibility and accountability.

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